To ensure the durability and resistance of our articles, we carry out the following physical tests:
- pH test
- A very acidic or very basic pH can cause allergies or skin irritations. The sample is analyzed and it is verified that the pH is within the limits established by the REACH regulation.
Standard ISO 3071:2005 - Water fastness
- The solidity of the material when immersed in water is assessed. All items that are exposed to water treatments should have a highwater fastness to avoid material degradation or loss of colour due to water.
- Water permeability
- Water pressure is exerted on the tissue, ending the test when 3 drops of water appear on the surface of the tissue. It is evaluated what water pressure is necessary to cross the tissue.
- Water repellency
- A volume of water is discharged by gravity onto the fabric and its repellency is evaluated. The assessment is made from 1 to 5, with 1 being the worst result and 5 the best result.
- Colour Fastness to Perspiration
- The solidity of the materials to the action of the sweat produced by the human body is valued. Items in contact with the human body should have a high sweat fastness.
Standard ISO 105-E04 - Light fastness
- Its purpose is the evaluation of the dyes of a material when subjected to artificial light simulating the conditions of sunlight. The degradation of the material due to the ultraviolet radiation that it may cause is checked.
- Colour fastness to rubbing (Stain Dry and Wet)
- It is the resistance to the modification of a tincture due to the effects of rubbing. The objective of the test is to determine the discharge that occurs on a white cotton fabric when rubbing with the coloured textile under specific conditions of pressure and speed of rubbing. The test is carried out with the control dry and wet.
In leather materials, a white wool felt is used and after several rub cycles, both wet and dry, the discharge is evaluated.
Standard ISO 105-X12 - Water drop resistance
- Pure water is dripped onto the material to be analyzed and then this water is impregnated with a rod. After allowing several minutes to dry, the change in colour of the material is evaluated.
- Corrosion of metal parts
- Due to the high humidity, temperature and other conditions, they cause the metallic parts of any article to deteriorate. The test simulates the extreme conditions of the environment and they are evaluated for corrosion and deterioration.
Standard ISO 22775 - Handle breaking Strength
- A maximum force is exerted on each handle of the article to evaluate the force necessary to break / separate the product handle and thus determine its resistance.
Standard NF G 92 005 - Shaking or Oscillatory impact strength
- By means of oscillatory impacts, forces and pressures on the handles of the product, it is verified that it resists extreme shaking actions so that in everyday life it does not tear any seam, break or separate any material of the product.
- Tensile strength
- The tensile characteristics (force necessary to produce breaks) and dynamic or static elongation of the materials are determined. For this, a dynamometer is used.
- Seam Strength
- The sliding of the threads of a fabric before the formation of a seam is determined by measuring the maximum displacement or opening reached between the threads of the fabric, after the application of a force.
The resistance to breakage of the seam or the breakage of the fabric / s that form the seam is evaluated.
Standard UNE – ISO 17697 - Tear resistance
- The necessary force to produce a tearing of the material was determined by dynamometric and / or ballistic pendulum type Elmendorf methods.
Standard UNE-EN ISO13937:1:2001 - Flexural strength of the material
- 500 cycles of flexing of the material are carried out from left to right using specific equipment, in which, after completing the test, it is evaluated whether the material is deteriorated or has lost its original state.
- Buckle attachment strength
- A dynamometer exerts a force to separate the buckle from the article. The force necessary to separate or break the buckle of the product is determined.
- Buckle closing system (functionality after fatigue)
- 500 cycles of buckle functionality are applied to evaluate its functionality after the test, confirming that there is no deterioration in use.
Standard BS 5131-5.11 - Zipper durability closing system (500 cycles)
- By means of specific equipment, the rack to be tested is placed and 500 opening and closing cycles are applied, in order to assess whether it works correctly or is damaged in use.
Standard UNE-EN 16732 - Puller attachment
- Pulling on the puller is performed to assess the force required to separate the puller from the zipper. They apply to all the different zippers that the product may contain.
Standard UNE-EN 16732 - Puller outer washer
- The force necessary to separate the washers from the product is evaluated, in order to know their resistance in the finished product.
- Velcro resistance to reciprocation (500 cycles)
- Using specific equipment, the velcro is applied and 500 opening and closing cycles are applied, in order to assess whether it works correctly or is damaged in use.
Standard UNE-EN 16732